Diabetes, Breast Cancer and Glyphosate

According to a recent NIH study, glyphosate consumption from food results in insulin resistance, making it a severe concern for those with type 2 diabetes:
According to the International Diabetes Federation 44,715 Belizeans (13.42% of population) have type 2 diabetes.


Breast cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in Belize, has been linked to exposure to glyphosate formulations.  Wide-spread exposure can be through:

·      food

·      drinking water

·      dust in non-agricultural homes 

In addition to harm to humans, glyphosate is extremely toxic to bees

·       disrupts their gut biome

·       negatively impacts the development of their bee broods

·       reduces reproduction, foraging and navigation abilities.

It is also toxic to

·       soil microorganisms

·       beneficial micro-flora

·       earthworms, disrupting good soil biology.


For these reasons, many countries have banned or severely restricted glyphosate use. Mexico has pledged to eliminate its use and Bayer AG recently removed glyphosate-based herbicides from US consumer markets due to litigations. In view of the health and environmental hazards resulting from the use of glyphosate, we believe it incumbent upon GOB to join the many nations that have banned the use of this toxic chemical.

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